The beginning

In 2006 a New Zealand teacher, Cindy, and her husband Ross, went to live in Bangladesh. Cindy saw schools using rote learning and dictation. Students were assessed on their ability to memorise answers. With support from Ross, Cindy started a new school; she dared to break with traditional teaching and learning methods.

The school that Cindy started is called GEMS. She introduced poorer children to creative and rational teaching and learning approaches. These are commonly used in New Zealand but were unheard of in Bangladesh where memory-based learning is the norm. Continue reading “The beginning”


Travel to schools by trawler. Thankfully there there was assistance getting off at the wharf.

The lack of power on Nijhum Diep reminded us how grateful we are for power elsewhere. There is amazing food here as it is a fishing island. The fish and shrimps are wonderful.

In each school a wee little tot was sitting next to a big sister whose job is child minding. When the fish come in, or the harvest is ready, attendance at school goes right down.

Tea Garden

Here the students and teachers are also without power much of the time and it’s very hot but we enjoyed a lovely guesthouse. The two tea garden schools are very open to learning.

Awesome to be contributing to all sorts of schools and hostels.

Science class – temperature experiment

Can you see what Class 7 is doing here?

They’re doing an experiment that involves temperature.

They’re measuring solubility.

Class 7’s hypothesis was that the Solubility of a solid solute is directly proportional to the temperature.

Teacher training

Investing in our teachers pays dividends in our classrooms.

Our teachers spend their days guiding students and supporting their learning.

Our teachers are our most valuable assets! They are trained in the best possible methods, theories and concepts. They are professionals.

Training our teachers is the best way to improve the future of the next generation!

Digital resources

We have been helping and improving our schools in many ways. A key improvement has been our provision of computers.

We provide digital and professional training sessions to our schools. The computers are loaded with Storymaker (thanks to generous donors from Dunedin, NZ), and we train teachers in how to make best use of them.

Everyone is excited to be moving toward digital schools, and we have many more training opportunities ahead.

Strategy and planning

Strategic planning is so important! Most people see the output of what we do, but they don’t see the work behind the scenes. We love making sure our priorities are correct, and our energy and resources are well placed.

The results we achieve are only possible because we take time to make sure our objectives are sound.

Art Competition

This month we had an Art Competition. Here are our winners and their colourful creations.

1st prize – Nure Aarshi Shaira

2nd prize – Ishayat Hasan

3rd prize – Ezan Mahrush Hossain


1st prize – Niladri Barua

2nd prize – Md. Kutub-ul-Afnan

3rd prize – Mohammad Adiyan Hossain


1st prize – Arowa Chowdhury

2nd prize – Walid Bin Solid

3rd prize – Mahjabeen Binte Mahamud


1st prize – Ahmed Ajeyo Niladri

2nd prize – Samriddhi Barua

3rd prize – Ummay Habiba


1st prize – Elliyah Mahveen Hossain

2nd prize – Sarfaraz Newz Kamal

3rd prize – Saowo-Uss-Sabil Saom